Shell oils and lubricants - B2B services 

We are a full-service solutions provider with a suite of services and tools for your business, from oil analysis to on-site or virtual consulting to training programs.
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With orders to deliver, deadlines to meet and reputations to uphold, unplanned downtime is not an option. It may not be possible to completely eliminate problems, but it is possible to see them coming and take preventative measures. The end result is the same - avoid loss of productivity.

At Shell, we help you make more informed decisions with greater confidence.

Shell LubeAdvisor

Shell Lube Advisors will help you choose the right Shell oil at the right time. By helping you to improve on-site lubrication and maintenance practices for your equipment and vehicles, significant benefits can be achieved, increasing productivity, reducing downtime and giving you a competitive advantage.

Our experience brings you real value

Providing assistance in improving your business requires much more than just the best products alone. At Shell, we believe that implementing lubrication best practices, supported by a world-class professional technical support team, is essential to achieving significant cost savings and improvements in your business.

How Shell LubeAdvisor adds value to you and your business

The Shell LubeAdvisor service is provided by Shell's highly trained technical staff, consisting of office-based technical helpdesks and local lubrication technicians. In addition, there are a number of useful and convenient tools you can use, with the full Shell LubeAdvisor service offering a wealth of engineering, technical and application knowledge.

Key Features of Shell LubeAdvisor

Trained technical support

On-site or over the phone, Shell technical representatives are available to help you solve your lubrication problems and answer your lubrication and product questions.

Detailed assessment of operations

Our field technicians will help you identify areas for improvement and potential cost savings by improving lubrication and maintenance practices.

Lubrication research

With our on-site technicians, we can help you identify your lubrication requirements, products needed and recommended maintenance intervals.

Shell LubeAnalyst

Shell LubeAnalyst is a unique oil condition monitoring program(OCM) supported by a robust global database with a long history of technical expertise in oil analysis.

  • 30 years of experience in lubricant analysis
  • More than 750,000 samples tested per year 
  • 30 labs 
  • Tested more than 500,000 vehicles and machines and 700,000 components 
  • State-of-the-art laboratory equipment 
  • Comparing data from different sources

How Shell LubeAnalyst can add value to your business

  • Evaluation of the condition of your lubricant 
  • Early indication of potential equipment problems caused by metal wear and dirt 
  • Track the condition of your lubricant and equipment over time by benchmarking tests and creating a performance history
  • Evaluate the performance of the equipment against other machines in your operation to identify potential areas for improvement

This knowledge of the condition of your equipment will allow you to make better decisions about your maintenance practices and improve the efficiency of your operation

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Shell LubeCoach

Increase your employees' skills with Shell LubeCoach

Optimizing the lubrication application in your operations can play a critical role in minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity, which directly translates to your bottom line. Through Shell LubeCoach, your employees will have access to our high-quality training materials for optimizing lubricant usage to ensure the smooth day-to-day operation of your equipment.

Training to help you perform at your best

Thanks to our technical experts, who have extensive experience around the world, we offer valuable knowledge of best practice, enabling you to realise the full potential of lubrication for your equipment. Through courses and workshops, they gain the knowledge needed to make the informed decisions required for a fully optimized lubrication plan that results in longer equipment and/or component life.

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